Sharon Church

Prayer Ministry

Partnering with God in prayer is simply making our needs and concerns known and trusting God to respond. When God responds, we respond with obedience in thanksgiving and praise.

Ways to partner with God and share prayers of thanksgiving and petition.

1.       During worship fill out a prayer card in the pew pocket and hand to an usher.

2.       Make a prayer request through the web site.

Did you know we have a prayer room?



Located just behind the pulpit (Sanctuary Building),

the prayer room is available for personal use any time the Sanctuary is open,

or you can request an appointment with members of the prayer team.


You are invited to Partner with God in prayer during the week.

Opportunities include:

1.       Sunday at 8:30am. Focus: our pastor, the worship service, the word of God to be heard, for new people to come to Sharon Church to hear the Gospel proclaimed and to come to experience the love of Jesus Christ, and for those who know Christ to deepen and strengthen their relationship with him.

2.       Tuesday's at 9:00 am in the prayer room with the Intercessory Prayer Team (Sanctuary building). Focus: healing of body, mind, relationships, and soul.


Is God calling you to pray for others?

To join the Intercessory Prayer Team please contact

Pastor Tom Waller or Shirley Disch


Follow Jesus

Partner with God

Serve the Community Together

Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer Requests:

How do I submit or make a prayer request?

1.      During worship fill out a prayer card in the pew pocket and hand to an usher.

2.      Make a prayer request through the web site.

3.      Contact Pastor Tom Waller by phone or text at 248-417-6613


What happens to my prayer request after I’ve made it known?

1.                    Prayer requests come to the Intercessory Prayer Team for the Tuesday prayer time.

2.                    Prayers are prayed for two weeks and, when appropriate, shared with the Prayer Chain.

3.                    When possible, a member of the Prayer Team, may contact the person submitting the request for an update.

4.                    Prayer requests are carefully honored and kept confidential unless stated for sharing with prayer teams.